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Scholarship Applications Now Open

American Bank & Trust is awarding $25,000 in scholarships for graduating high school seniors. Application deadline is April 18, 2025.

Earn $250

Earn $250 when you open a new checking account with a direct deposit. Click ‘Learn More’ below to see more details and eligibility requirements.

4.10% APY CD or IRA-CD for 7 Months

Earn 4.10% APY for 7 Months with our Classic CD or IRA-CD

Tap & Win $500

American Bank & Trust is giving you the chance to win $500 every month just by using your AB&T Debit Card! Every time you make a purchase with your AB&T Debit Card, you’re automatically entered into the monthly drawing.

Special Promotions

View all our on-going promotions at AB&T. From new checking account openings, business accounts, and a special mortgage promotion, you’ll find something no matter your needs.

4.25% APY CD for 12 Months

Unlock the opportunity to pay yourself first with our new CD that pays your accrued interest into your AB&T checking account, giving you immediate access to your gains.

Business Checking

Find the account that fits your business’s needs.  Wide range of features and benefits!

Open an Account

Getting a checking or savings account is only a click away.  Provide a few details and we’ll get your account started.

Apply for a Mortgage

Let our local lending experts find the best loan option for your needs and budget.

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