Miller Contact Info

Serving our customers in Miller and the surrounding communities.


Address:131 N Broadway, PO Box 317
Miller, SD 57362 | Directions
Phone: (605) 853-3051
Fax: (605) 853-3054
Lobby Hours: Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Drive Through Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm | Sat: 9:00am – Noon

Meet Our Team

"The best part of my job is helping customers to reach their financial goals."

Tim Bode

Market President
(605) 732-4264

"Providing people helpful financial related info and seeing them leave my office satisfied with a smile on their face is what I’m here for."

Diane Goetz

Personal Banker
(605) 853-3051

Peggy Heezen

Universal Banker
(605) 204-6336

Mackinzie Waldrop

Universal Banker
(605) 204-5797

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