Personal Banking Videos
Watch our financial videos to learn about the products and programs we offer. These videos will help you better understand our services and how you can use each service to its fullest.
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eStatement Enrollment
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The Payment Center
Sending Money
Staying in control of your cards is easier than ever. Access this central hub for managing your cards right from your mobile banking and get access to a variety of controls and information. Get monthly spending insights in easy-to-read graphs. Restrict purchases by location, merchant categories, or transaction types. Easily lock and unlock cards. Check balances and view recent transactions. Set up alerts based on transaction type, merchant category, location, or even spending limits. Add cards to digital wallets and report lost or stolen cards right from here. All the card controls you need, right at your fingertips.
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Reveal Card Details
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Cards On File
Card Controls
Card Alerts
Travel Plans
Lost or Stolen Card
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Security Challenge Setup
Using Other Computers
There’s a lot to like about eStatements: eStatements are good for the environment. They literally save tons of paper, which means less energy needs to be used to make the paper. You get your statement sooner, because online delivery eliminates delays sometimes found with postal mail delivery. eStatements eliminate the clutter of paper statements and allow you to store and retrieve past statements right on your hard drive. Identity Theft experts recommend electronic statements. eStatements simply protect your information better than paper statements. It costs you nothing to switch to eStatements — and to have access to every transaction in your account, including check images, right at your fingertips.
Identity Theft Prevention
Your identity is one of the most valuable things you own. It’s important to keep your identity from being stolen by someone who can potentially harm your good name and financial well-being. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your name, address, Social Security Number, credit card or financial account numbers, passwords, and other personal information without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. Their attacks grow more frequent and sophisticated every year. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. According to US Department of Justice statistics, it’s now passing drug trafficking as the number one crime in America. However, the simple fact is you can protect yourself against most forms of identity theft.
Deposit A Check
Mobile Wallet
Your new card can make life a little easier, and help keep your financial information more secure. In fact, your card is packed with features to make it easy to use. Security Code to protect purchases where the card is not present. Traditional Magnetic Stripe for purchases where only swiping is available. Your PIN or signature helps assure you are the person using the card. The Chip embedded on the face of the card is another way to help prevent fraud.
Relationship Rewards – Powered by uChoose Rewards
What if the things you usually buy — groceries, gas, bills, and online shopping — could earn you rewards? With uChoose Rewards, you can get rewarded for using your cards to purchase the things you need. Redeem your points for a variety of rewards, from cash back and travel to merchandise and gift cards. Use your cards — and get rewarded — the way you want.