Business Banking Videos
Watch our financial videos to learn about the products and programs we offer. These videos will help you better understand our services and how you can use each service to its fullest.
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AB&T Mobile Banking +PLUS
Mobile Business Banking is the ultimate on-demand service. It puts powerful business banking tools at your fingertips. You can save time, improve your cash flow, and streamline your cash management procedures all in a fully secure environment: Real-time Account Balances, Detailed Transaction Histories, View Check Images, approve payments, transfers, Wire Transfers to other Institutions, Direct Deposit of Payroll – all in a Safe and Secure environment.
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Touch ID/ Face ID
Mobile Deposits
ID Theft For Business
Are you taking steps to protect personal information? Safeguarding sensitive data in your files and on your computers is just plain good business. After all, if that information falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to fraud or identity theft. A sound data security plan is built on five key principles. The five key principles of a sound data security plan are Take Stock, Scale Down, Lock It, Pitch It, and Plan Ahead.
Take Stock: Overview
Take Stock: Where Do I Begin?
Take Stock: Laws & Requirements
Take Stock: Notes
Scale Down: Overview
Scale Down: Storing Customer Information
Scale Down: Storing Credit Card Numbers
Scale Down: Written Retention Policies
Scale Down: Notes
Lock It: Overview
Lock It: Control Access
Lock It: Computer Security
Lock It: What Is A Firewall?
Lock It: Detecting A Security Breach
Lock It: Sending Data Through Email
Lock It: Passwords
Lock It: Employee Training
Lock It: Third Party Outsourcing
Lock It: Notes
Pitch It: Overview
Pitch It: Data Stored On Computers
Pitch It: Home Based Employees
Pitch It: Discarding Information
Pitch It: Paper Records
Pitch It: Notes
Plan Ahead: Overview
Plan Ahead: Working Within Your Budget
Plan Ahead: Notes
Identity Theft Prevention
Your identity is one of the most valuable things you own. It’s important to keep your identity from being stolen by someone who can potentially harm your good name and financial well-being. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your name, address, Social Security Number, credit card or financial account numbers, passwords, and other personal information without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. Their attacks grow more frequent and sophisticated every year. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. According to US Department of Justice statistics, it’s now passing drug trafficking as the number one crime in America. However, the simple fact is you can protect yourself against most forms of identity theft.
ID Theft Introduction
ID Theft Payment Prevention
ID Theft At Home
ID Theft Online
ID Theft Over Email
ID Theft Over Telephone
Mobile Wallet
Your new card can make life a little easier, and help keep your financial information more secure. In fact, your card is packed with features to make it easy to use. Security Code to protect purchases where the card is not present. Traditional Magnetic Stripe for purchases where only swiping is available. Your PIN or signature helps assure you are the person using the card. The Chip embedded on the face of the card is another way to help prevent fraud.