by Erin VerMulm | Mar 14, 2023 | Latest News
Money and finances can trigger a range of emotions. Throughout our adult lives we can feel shame for making purchases that we really didn’t need, confident about the amount of money we’ve saved for retirement or regret for not saving for emergencies when we had to use... by Erin VerMulm | Mar 3, 2023 | Latest News
Saving. Do you view it as an ongoing journey? Or do you consider saving as someplace you arrive at? At America Saves we are in the camp that saving is a habit, not a destination. And it’s a habit that can be formed at any age. Whether you are a parent trying to... by Erin VerMulm | Mar 2, 2023 | Latest News
Making the decision to pay down debt, particularly consumer debt, can be mixed with emotion. You feel good about choosing to take concrete steps to pay off balances on credit cards, auto loans, student loans or other installment loans. On the other hand, you feel less... by Erin VerMulm | Mar 1, 2023 | Latest News
What do homes, education, and retirement all have in common? They are major life milestones that require advance planning and saving large amounts of money. That amount of advance planning and money saved that is needed may make you doubt your ability to reach these... by Erin VerMulm | Feb 28, 2023 | Latest News
How often have you heard that saving for life’s unexpected events is very important and a necessary part of being financially prepared? Most likely A LOT! Accompanying this message often is the statement that you need three to six months of expenses in your emergency... by Erin VerMulm | Feb 27, 2023 | Latest News
Do you ever find yourself wondering if there is a magic formula to saving? Does it seem that everyone around you knows the secret to saving successfully except you? It’s not unusual to feel unconfident about saving, no matter how much money you earn. Confidence...