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Meet Our AB&T Crop Insurance Team Members

Pasture, Range, and Forage (PRF) is a federal crop insurance program designed to help provide protection against a lack of rainfall for your grazing & haying acres, and provides protection from increased feed costs due to forage losses. To help decide if this coverage is right for you, or if you have any questions, reach out to our team of Crop Insurance experts.

Aberdeen Crop Insurance Team

Lance Vilhauer

VP, Ag Business Banker
(605) 846-6795

"Our decisions are made locally and timely by people that understand your business. I get to know you as a friend so you'll feel welcome and appreciated from our first meeting."

Terry Simon

VP, Ag Business Banker
(605) 846-6792

Huron Crop Insurance Team

Bob Goetz

Market President
(605) 352-9122

"I understand a farmers many roles and enjoy helping look out for their livelihood."

Quint Hofer

Ag Business Banker & Crop Insurance Manager
(605) 353-2830

"One of the greatest rewards of my job is helping farmers run their operation successfully."

Bryan Van Scharrel

VP, Ag Business Banker
(605) 353-2829

Eric Miner

Ag Business Banker &
Crop Insurance Rep

(605) 353-2839

Gretchen Kinney

Crop Insurance Specialist
(605) 353-2824

Taya Glanzer

Crop Insurance Specialist
(605) 353-2809

Iroquois Crop Insurance Team

Tyson Decker

Ag Business Banker
(605) 353-2813

Lisbon Crop Insurance Team

Mike Schaefer

Market President
(605) 846-6805

Pierre Crop Insurance Team

"I am here to help with your agribusiness needs."

Scott Word

VP, Ag Business Banker
(605) 945-3494

Stickney Crop Insurance Team

"The best part of my job is building relationships with customers & assisting them to achieve their goals."

Tara Wieczorek

Ag Business Banker
(605) 656-5024

Watertown Crop Insurance Team

"I understand the dynamic nature of the ag industry and am proud to provide financial solutions for area farmers."

Paul Moore

VP, Ag Business Banker
(605) 868-5452

Wessington Springs Crop Insurance Team

"Being a trusted partner in helping people accomplish their goals is my passion."

Blake Willman

Market President
(605) 539-1222
Wessington Springs

Wolsey Crop Insurance Team

"The best part of my job is helping our customers achieve their goals and dreams."

Jim Babcock

Market President
(605) 883-4112

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